ESG in Legend Capital

Adhering to the core value of “Pursue Fortune of Value”, LC has taken environment, social responsibility and governance (ESG) as the long-term development strategy. LC continually endeavors to ensure effective environmental and social management practices in all its activities, products and services.

From the latter half of 2019, Legend Capital has been actively promoting the implementation of ESG investment in the company and has made significant forward strides. In November 2019, Legend Capital formally joined UN PRI (UN Principles of Responsible Investment) as a leading forerunner VC/PE (Venture Capital and Private Equity) firm in China. On March 2, 2020, Legend Capital ESG Investment Management Measures came into effect, which marked a change from ESG concept introduction to beginning a practical operation stage.

The implementation of ESG investment in Legend Capital means that the company will manage investment risks more comprehensively, explore investment opportunities that have a long-term positive impact on the environment and society, and enhance sustainable long-term investment returns. In the meantime, the company hopes to support excellent enterprises that can cause economic and social development and focus on environmental protection through investment, and promote the sustainable development of industry and economy.

Policy Description

The Legend Capital Environmental & Social Management System (LC ESMS) is a supplementary framework of the existing ESG that integrates environmental and social risk management into its business processes. The ESMS actions and procedures are integrated into the firm level’s implemented concurrently with LC existing risk management procedures.

The ESMS ensures that LC’s activities are in compliance with its environmental and social standards and LC avoids and manages investments with potential environmental and social risks by conducting environmental and social due diligence prior to investment closing and adequate supervision of investments during the term of holding the investments.

The ESMS details: 1) the environmental and social policy; 2) procedures to screen deals, assign environmental risk category, and conduct due-diligence to evaluate environmental and social risks; 3) monitoring and record keeping; 4) stakeholder engagement, information disclosure and grievance redress mechanism; 5) ESMS organization structure; 6) ESMS review and continuous improvement; 7) budget, training, and 8) Senior Management approval that will be integrated in the existing risk management procedures of LC to evaluate a deal’s financial risks.

Contact Information

If you have any questions pertaining to Legend Capital policies, please send us anemail:

Grievance Redress Mechanism

Please send your grievance information to the address below:

Email address:

LC HC II Portfolio Information

Please find the portfolio information below.

Annual Environmental and Social Performance Monitoring Report